
Your God-Self is Greater than Your Subconscious Programming

I was inspired to write this blog article following module #1o of my Understand the Law of Assumption 101 workshop (soon to be available in the form of a course), where I discussed the fact that your assumptions surpass your subconscious mind programming. The module, which, by the way, members of the group loved. Understanding…


How to Have Faith in Your Desires When There is Zero 3D Evidence

By: Kayla Pasko When we have a desire, whether it be for success in a certain career, more financial abundance, or a relationship with a specific person, we automatically begin to question the who, what, when, and how. While our higher self knows that everything we are currently experiencing is all a perfect part of…


What is Standing Between You and Your Desire?

Consciousness is the only reality, not figuratively but actually. – Neville Goddard – Feeling is the Secret If you feel that you are struggling with what you want to manifest the most in your life right now, if you feel that there is something standing between you and your desire, that “something” is YOU. Consciousness….


How Do We Manifest?

How do we manifest? To me, it’s interesting that we even ask the question, because, well, we’ve been manifesting our entire life. It’s just that like most people, we’ve been manifesting unconsciously and by default, and when we first discovered that we could actually manifest consciously, we felt that we needed to know HOW it’s…